School Musical Productions



RockED Primary School Musical Productions

RockED Musicals Now Available as DIGITAL DOWNLOADS
Buy Your Musical Today – Start Rehearsing Tomorrow! Save Postage!

RockED Musicals are full of fun, humour and energy. Our catchy songs, clever lyrics and hilarious scripts have entertained students and audiences alike for over 30 years.

What Teachers Are Saying…

“I have used the RockED Music productions for ten (plus) years now. PMPS keeps coming back to them because they suit our Year 4 cohort – they’re quirky, yet familiar and funny. The digital production package supplies lots of useful and time-saving gems, including costume ideas, audition scripts, the show script, a synopsis, rehearsal and performance sound tracks and lyrics sheets for all songs. We prepare a sixty minute performance over a term of rehearsals, and the RockED team has abridged the scripts for us to provide up to twenty-five pages of dialogue which is the ideal size for our production system.
The RockED Team make communication easy, and response is always timely and useful. I highly recommend these musicals for their simplicity, because that leaves room for plenty of imagination and improvisation while rehearsing.”
Port Melbourne Primary School

School Productions Support infographic listing five benefits of RockED Musicals: ongoing production support, customized alterations, abridgements, immediate digital downloads, and comprehensive production kits.Discover how RockED Musicals make school productions easier with full support at every step.

Note: While most services are included in the purchase, some customisations  may incur an extra fee.  Contact us for details.

What Teachers Are Saying… cont’d

“I’ve produced several RockED musicals in my time at Norman Park SS including: Cinderella, Robin of Sherwood, and Quest.

Each time, our school has had extremely positive experiences:

  1. Student- and teacher-friendly (you don’t even have to be a music teacher to put it all together).
  2. Extremely useful costume and set suggestions.
  3. MP3 music backings, sound effects and sheet music is provided.
  4. Purchase price is very reasonable, even with royalties.
  5. Musicals are just the right length – not too short, not too long.
  6. Very easy to communicate with.

I’d highly recommend RockED Musicals!”
Norman Park SS

Greenmount State School has used RockED Music for the past two years for our end of year play.  We have found your plays suit all our needs perfectly.  To have a full script, digital backdrops, backing vocals and lyrics, even costume ideas is invaluable.  Our Prep to year 6 students, staff and parents have all thoroughly enjoyed the performances.  Your communication is gracious and very prompt.  Honestly we cannot thank you enough.
Our third production – the Paris Olympics performance was fabulous and thoroughly enjoyed by all.  The students had so much fun with the characters.  Thank you.
We would definitely recommend your services for all schools.
Greenmount SS

RockED School Musicals…Everything you need for a stress free production

Most school musical packages include just the basics – script and songs. This means you are left to spend hours, and often use valuable funds, to create all the extras needed to produce a polished production. This is not the case with RockED Musical Packages. We supply everything you need for a stress free, professional looking show.. thoughtful bonus features created by people who know that the ‘small’ production tasks can suddenly snowball into hours of extra work.

No need to search around for sound effects to enhance the action. Each musical comes with carefully chosen Sound Effects in MP3 format, represented by clear icons in the script. No need to spend valuable time and funds painting backdrops. Each musical comes with eye catching Digital Backdrops. No need to spend hours creating audition parts. Each musical comes with Audition Parts Copymasters. No need to painstakingly determine what level of skill and commitment is required for each part. Each musical comes with clearly defined Casting Considerations to make your job easier. All these extras – plus Captivating Songs and Humorous Scripts. In addition to all these inclusions, our new edition of THE TIME MACHINE musical now also comes with Customized Artwork for your publicity needs and a comprehensive Teachers’ Resource Kit.

Check out our musicals below…

New Edition!

The Time Machine - New Edition

The Time Machine

Quest - A New Hero In Fantasyland

Quest – A New Hero In Fantasyland

Under the Big Top

Under the Big Top

The Lonestar Cowboy

The Lonestar Cowboy





Robin of Sherwood

Robin of Sherwood

Planet X

Planet X

Scareee Nights

Scareee Nights

Treasure Island

Treasure Island





Has Anybody Seen Santa

Has Anybody Seen Santa

All School Musical Packs Include:

  • Script Copymasters
  • Lyric Sheets
  • Costume Suggestions
  • Casting Hints
  • Sheet Music
  • Photocopying Authority
  • Vocal/Rehearsal MP3
  • Performance Instrumental MP3
  • Digital Backdrops
  • Sound Effects MP3

Purchasing is Easy!

  1. Choose – Check out our musical summaries and listen to the great song samples.
  2. Purchase – the chosen musical, either online using credit card, or using a school/RockED order form. A unique link will then be immediately sent to your inbox.
  3. Download – Using this link,  instantly download the entire package!
  4. Follow Up Consultation – we are happy to help with any hints, or advice about producing any of our musicals.

What About Performance Royalties?

Check out our guide – ‘All About Performance Royalties’ HERE

Note: Small schools may request a discounted Royalty Payment. Just send us an email.

Online Performance Registration Forms


AUD $25.00

Access All Musicals

All RockED Primary School Musicals are now included in our Access All Areas Subscription Service. For the same price as a single Musical Production Package,  Access All Areas Members can now peruse each one of the musicals, in its entirety, before deciding upon the one that will be perfect for your school production. But there’s more! Once you have made your choice, you can then proceed to access our complete range of Classroom Music Programs  or even choose a Mini Musical for a fun classroom activity. This is an amazing opportunity to revitalise your school’s Performing Arts Program.

Sign up today!